Nic EnglishHow to brief a data analystNote: Quite a few people have correctly pointed out that this piece only talks about how to shape briefs to data analysts — not necessarily…Dec 20, 20214Dec 20, 20214
Roger MartinSinging the Data Analytics BluesIt Just Ain’t What it is Cracked Up to BeNov 29, 202111Nov 29, 202111
Roger MartinBattling Our Same-Different Instinct:How to Overcome its Harmful Side-EffectsOct 18, 20212Oct 18, 20212
InThe Whole StorybySolutions Journalism22 Questions that ‘Complicate the Narrative’Conversation techniques, interview questions, and stellar story examples born from a conflict mediation training — for journalistsFeb 11, 20194Feb 11, 20194